Move / duplicate in the results list and document view


Moving a document from one file to another is much the same as a cut and paste operation. After you selected documents in your list, use the button Move/Duplicate that you will find in the toolbar and select Move. This function is limited to a selection of 5000 documents max.

Orbit will ask you to select or to create the directory and the workfile in which you wish to store the documents. To create a new directory or a new storage file, click on the New option and select Directory or File.

To add documents into this file, select the file and click on the OK button.

Moving can also be done from a file to a list. The above described stages are valid, with this difference that you choose a list in the tree or you create a list with the New button. The following message will appear "You have asked to move families from a file to a list. Attachments, notes and custom user fields that relate to these families will be lost. Learn more about workfiles and lists.OK/Cancel". If you select OK, the documents will be transferred to the destination list. Your document will have lost the selected documents. The Cancel button closes the window and cancels the document transfer

Duplicate (by default)

Moving documents from one file to another is much the same as a copy and paste operation. After you selected documents in your list, use the button Move/Duplicate that you will find in the toolbar and select Duplicate. The function is limited to a selection of 5,000 documents max.

Orbit will ask you to select or to create the directory and the workfile in which you wish to store the documents. To create a new directory or a new storage file, click on the New option and select Directory or File.

To add documents into this file, select the file and click on the OK button.

Duplicate can also be done from a file to a list.The above described stages are valid, with this difference that you choose a list in the tree or you create a list with the New button.

Drag and drop

Move and duplicate can also be done by Drag and drop.