Advanced Search

This assistant allows you to easily search for patents by making available several predefined input fields which may be combined:

      Keywords to be searched in the titles, abstracts, claims, concepts, full text etc…

      Classification : Technology Domains, IPC, CPC, ECLA, ICO, PCL, FI and F-Term

      Names : Assignee, Inventor, Representative

      Number dates and country :

      Application, priority, and publication numbers

      Application, priority, and publication dates

      Country of publication

      Legal status

      Other fields: cited publications, examples, notes, first date or last date of …

      Limit to recently-added publications: last week’s, last month’s

Please note that the menu on the left is retractable by clicking on the  sign.

Clicking on the round blue question mark buttons to display contextual help for the field.

On the top right, behind the icon , you’ll find out:

-     The Coverage Details link takes you to Questel’s corporate site where you can view the latest update information for Fullpat, FamPat, and the Fulltext collections.

-     Guides & Tutorials link will open a new page or tab with links to online tutorials and Orbit-related user guides.

The FamPat fact sheet is also available for download and includes all the indices for the FamPat Collection.

This page also allows you, through the command line and Create Script options (bottom), to write your queries in expert mode using the full range of truncation and operators, as well as nesting (with parentheses) and indexes. The user has a full control over the syntax of questions. These two options are present at the bottom of the search page.

The easy search is always at the top of the page.

You can directly enter a keyword or a name.

If you enter a number, the nature of it will be recognized and research will be done on the number search fields of publication, application or priority, unless you specify a different field.

If you enter a part of a classification code, it will be searched in the IPC and CPC classification fields.