The FullPat Collection

Worldwide patent publications grouped by publication stage per single patent authority and containing bibliographic data

Content: FullPat contains 1 record per patent (as opposed to 1 record per patent family in FamPat).  The data coverage (including fulltext and legal status data) is the same for both databases.  Records from both databases can be analysed in the analysis module or can be saved in lists but only FamPat records can be saved in the WorkFiles.  Utility models are available for 33 countries. Geographic coverage for Pluspat is the same as for Fampat.

A single record combines all publication stages of the invention, from an unexamined publication to an examined document to a granted patent and contains:

      First page information: Patent and published application numbers and publication dates, application numbers and filing dates, priority numbers and priority dates, the assignee(s), inventor(s), EPO classification codes (CPC, ECLA, ICO, and IDT) and International Patent Classification (IPC) as well as US and Japanese classifications, titles, abstracts and drawings.

      Search reports with patent and non-patent literature citations for WO, EP, US, EA, AP, AU, BE, BG, CH, CZ, DE, DK, ES, FR, GB, GR, JP, LU, NL, SG and TR publications.

Abstracts in official English are available for more than 32 million records. This coverage is completed with abstracts in French, German, Spanish, etc… and by machine-translated English abstracts for French, German, Japanese, Chinese, Korean and Taiwanese publications which are by the official English data when available.

First page drawing is available for US from 1880, EP and WO from 1978, JP-Kokai from 1980, GB from 1920, FR from 1978, DE from 1980, CA from 1989, KR from 1979, CN from 1985, TW from 2004 and BR from 2009.

Coverage: Varies depending on the country. For certain offices, coverage begins at the end of the 19th century and beginning of the 20th century. For example, the United States and many European countries.

Language: English (official or machine translation), French, German, Spanish, other languages for the bibliographic information. English and the original language for the description and claims.

To see the most recent coverage and update information for FullPat, click on the Coverage Details link found at the top of the search and saved analysis pages.