The Fampat Collection

World patents grouped by invention-based families containing fulltext

Content: Comprehensive family coverage of worldwide patent publications published by more than 100 patent authorities. In Fampat, a singlefamily record combines together all publication stages of each family member. Questel has developed a family definition which incorporates the EPO’s strict family rule with additional rules to take into account the links between EP and PCT publications and links between US provisional applications and US published applications.  Fampat’s family definitions also incorporate different patenting authorities’ definitions of an invention, particularly useful with Japanese publication searching.

The records contain:

      First page information: Patent and published application numbers and publication dates, application numbers and filing dates, priority numbers and priority dates, the assignee(s), inventor(s), EPO classification codes (CPC, ECLA, ICO, and IDT) and International Patent Classification (IPC) as well as US and Japanese classifications, titles, abstracts and drawings.

      Search reports with patent and non-patent literature citations for WO, EP, US, EA, AP, AU, BE, BG, CH, CZ, DE, DK, ES, FR, GB, GR, JP, LU, NL, SG and TR publications.

      Key content extracted from the full official English text of EP applications (except Euro-PCTs) since 1988, PCT applications since mid-2001, US patents granted from 1971 to 2000, US applications since March 15, 2001 and GB applications since 1979, FR applications that were not extended, CN utility models and CN applications. Older documents can be found, as far back as 1980 for EPs and 2000 for WOs. PCTs (besides those published in Korean) machine-translated into English can also be used to extract key content. The key content provides the subject matter of the invention, the benefits and shortcomings compared to the prior art, and the independent claims.

      Concepts extracted from the full official English text of EP applications (except Euro-PCTs) since 1988, PCT applications since mid-2001, US patents granted from 1971 to 2000, US applications since March 15, 2001 and GB applications since 1979, FR applications that were not extended, CN utility models and CN applications. Older documents can be found, as far back as 1980 for EPs and 2000 for WOs. PCTs (besides those published in Korean) machine-translated into English can also be used to extract concepts.

      The full text of the description and claims for publications from 22 patent offices (WO, US, EP, AT, BE, BR, CA, CH, CN, DE, ES, FR, GB, JP, RU, DK, FI, SE, IN, TW, TH and KR)

Fampat includes legal status information for approximately 50 countries.

Coverage:  Varies depending on the country. For certain offices, coverage begins at the end of the 19th century and beginning of the 20th century. For example, the United States and many European countries.

Language: English (official or machine translation), French, German, Spanish, other languages for the bibliographic information. English and the original language for the description and claims.

To see the most recent coverage and update information for Fampat, click on the Coverage Details link found at the top of the search and saved analysis pages.