Patent Information Report

You can create a PIB (Patent Information Bulletin) page, accessible when they log in to

PIB pages are customizable:

      Include your company's logo

      Name for all of your directories

      Name for all of your workfiles

On the PIB page, readers can view all of the directories and workfiles shared in the form of graphs, with the directories' names on the y-axis and the families' names on the x-axis. The blue color indicates read and unread documents (All), and the red color is unread documents. Clicking on a colored bar brings up the name of the directory and the number of documents unread/read (All) or unread.

The lists of directories and workfiles that refer to them are shown in order to choose the ones you want to display.

You can also select an update and/or restrict it to unread documents or read documents.

The Show button takes you to the hitlist resulting from the preceding choices.

The Advanced Search button takes you to the search form.