Other Fields

Other fields section includes a list of fields that you can use to complete your search.

Up to five boxes may be used in Other fields.  By default the AND operator is used with other search criteria. 


Licensing interest (FamPat, Fullpat)


You can target your search to US patents with licensing. The search can be performed with a name or a date of granting of the license.

You can use operators and truncation for a search with an applicant's name. To search with a date, use the W operator to separate the year, month and day.

Security interest (FamPat, Fullpat)

The search can be performed on the US Patent pledge criteria. With this research, you are targeting banks and investment companies, for example. The search can be performed with a name or a date.

You can use operators and truncation for a search with an applicant's name. To search with a date, use the W operator to separate the year, month and day.

USPTO Examiner (FamPat, Fullpat)

You can limit your search to US patents containing a USPTO examiner name. You may use the operators and truncation in order to effectively search the names.


Assignee city (FamPat, Fullpat)

It is possible to search for the assignee's city. To do so, enter the city's name spelled out in full, or use truncation.

Note: A space is replaced with a W. A comma is replaced with an OR. The spaces between the parts of the city's name are replaced by the truncation symbol ‘?’.

Assignee post code (FamPat, Fullpat)

The post code of the assignee's city is searchable. You can enter the post code in full or use  truncation .

Note: A space is replaced with an OR. A comma is replaced with an OR.

Assignee country (FamPat , Fullpat, Fulltext)


The country(-ies) of the assignee(s) is searchable using the two-letter country code.


Note: A space is replaced with an AND. A comma is replaced with an OR.

Assignee US state (US) (FamPat, Fullpat, Fulltext)

This search is only allowed for US documents. The US state(s)of the assignee(s) is searchable using the two-letter abbreviation corresponding  each state.

The list of US state abbreviations are found here.

Note: A space is replaced with an AND. A comma is replaced with an OR.

Inventor country (FamPat, Fullpat, Fulltext)

The country(-ies) of the inventor(s) is searchable using the two-letter country code.

Note: A space is replaced with an AND. A comma is replaced with an OR.

Inventor US state (US) (FamPat, Fullpat, Fulltext)

This search is only allowed for US documents. The US state(s) of the assignee(s) is searchable using the two-letter abbreviation corresponding each state.

The list of US state abbreviations are found here.

Note: A space is replaced with an AND. A comma is replaced with an OR.

Representative country (FamPat, Fullpat, Fulltext)

The representative's country is available only for US, EP, and WO patents. You can run a search using two-letter country codes.

Note: A space is replaced with an AND. A comma is replaced with an OR.

Earliest priority country (FamPat, Fullpat)

You can search the country of 1st priority using the two-letter country code.

Note: A space is replaced with an AND. A comma is replaced with an OR.

Earliest application country (FamPat, Fullpat)

You can search the country of 1st application using the two-letter country code.

Note: A space is replaced with an AND. A comma is replaced with an OR.

Earliest publication country (FamPat, Fullpat)

You can search the country of 1st publication using the two-letter country code.

Note: A space is replaced with an AND. A comma is replaced with an OR.

Designated states (FamPat, Fullpat)

This field is used to search for countries designated by EP and WO patents. For EPs, the designated countries are the ones indicated in the latest publication.   

The search goes by country codes.

Note: A space is replaced with an AND. A comma is replaced with an OR.


To search by date, there are four options: From, Up to, Between and On.  Enter the date or dates in the format YYYY-MM-DD or use the calendar tool.

Grant date (FamPat, Fullpat)

This field can be used to search the grant publication date of each member.

Earliest grant date (FamPat, Fullpat)

This field can be used to search the earliest publication date when each member was granted.

Date of published application (FamPat, Fullpat)

This field can be used to search the publication date of each member.

Earliest priority date (FamPat, Fullpat)This field can be used to search the family's earliest priority date.

Earliest application date (FamPat, Fullpat)

This field can be used to search the family's earliest application date.

Earliest publication date (FamPat, Fullpat)

This field can be used to search the family's earliest publication date.

Earliest publication of each application (FamPat, Fullpat)

This field can be used to search the earliest publication of each publication (application or grant) for each member.

Latest publication of each application (FamPat, Fullpat)

This field can be used to search the latest publication of each publication (application or grant) for each member.

Other patent dates (FamPat, Fullpat)

You can search the effective date, previous publication date, and U.S.C. 371 national step date. 371.


The numerical operators may be used to search for the following information.

Number of patents in the FamPat family (FamPat, Fullpat)

You can limit your search by requesting a minimum number of patents included in the family.

Number of priorities in the FamPat family (FamPat, Fullpat)

You can limit your search by requesting a minimum number of priorities included in the family.

Number of claims (US) (FamPat, Fullpat)

You can limit your search by requesting a minimum number of claims in US patents.

Number of independent claims (US) (FamPat, Fullpat)

This field lets you search with a number of independent claims in US patents.

Number of drawings (US) (FamPat, Fullpat)

You can limit your search by requesting a minimum number of diagrams in US patents.

Number of pages of drawings (US) (FamPat, Fullpat)

You can limit your search by requesting a minimum number of pages containing diagrams in US patents.


FamPat family number (FamPat)

Also known as FAN, this number is assigned by QUESTEL to each family, even if it only contains one member.

The search is based on the full number in the following format: NNNNNNNN

PCT publication number (FamPat, Fullpat)

Search by:

The PCT publication number in the format WOYYNNNNN (before 2000) or the format WOYYYYNNNNN (since 2000)

The publication date in the format YYYY or YYYYMM or in the full format YYYYMMDD.

Note: A space is replaced with an AND. A comma is replaced with an OR.

PCT application number (FamPat, Fullpat)

Search by:

The PCT application number, in the format YYYYWO-CCNNNNN

The application date in the format YYYY or YYYYMM or in the full format YYYYMMDD.

Note: A space is replaced with an AND. A comma is replaced with an OR.   

US case ID (FamPat, Fullpat)

This field is used to search for US patents links to a litigation case ID number.


Cited patents (FamPat, Fullpat)

You can search patent publications cited by examiners and applicant.  Patents cited in search reports are displayed under the title "Search Report" or "Cited References" Cited references are available for the following countries: 

AP - from  1984               AT – from 1983             AU - from  1978             BE - from  1988
BG – from 1999               CH - from  1982             CN – from 2010             CZ - from  1997
DE - from  1943               DK - from  1956             EA – from 1996             EP - from  1978
ES - from  1993               FR - from  1969             GB - from  1983             GR - from  1988
IT – from 2010                 JP - from  1972              KR – from 2010             LU - from  1999
NL - from  1965                RU – from 2005             SG - from  2001             TR - from  1987
TW – from 2006               US - from  1971             WO - from  1978

For US, EP, WO, FR, DE, NL, BE, GR, CH, GB, TR, LU and DK, the Citations field also contains the patents cited by the applicant: “Applicant citations”

For EP publications, this field also contains cited patents from “Opposition Citations” and “Observer citations (art. 115)”

For JP publications, you can find patents cited in “Citation during opposition as reason for opposition" and "Citation as reason for refusal of an application”. You can search with patent numbers in standard format CCNNNNNNN.

Note: A space is replaced with an AND. A comma is replaced with an OR.

Cited literature (FamPat, Fullpat)

You may also search the cited literature references. All the countries cited above contain "Search report references" or "Examiner references":

AP - from 1984                EA - from 1996              LU - from 1999
AT - from 1983                 EP - from 1978              NL - from 1965
AU - from 1978                ES - from 1993              RU - from 2005
BE - from 1988                FR - from 1969              SG - from 2001
CH - from 1982                GB - from 1983              TR - from 1987
CN - from 2010                GR - from 1988             TW - from 2006
CZ - from 1997                IT - from 2010               US - from 1947
DE - from 1943                JP - from 1972               WO - from 1978
DK - from 1956                KR - from 2000

For US, EP, WO, FR, DE, NL, BE, GR, CH, GB, TR, LU and DK publications, the references cited by the applicant are also included and searchable; they are called "Applicant references".

For EP publications, "Opposition references" and "Observer references" will also be searched (art.115).

You can search references with:

      keywords for authors, titles, or reviews, using truncation and operators

      dates in the format YYYY

      unique XP numbers assigned by the EPO to each cited article

Note: A space is replaced with an AND. A comma is replaced with an OR.

US and FR filing details (FamPat, Fullpat)

This data is only available for US and FR patents. They specify whether US patents are derived from others (continuation of, division of) and whether FR patents have been divided.

For US patents, the query is formed by a number in the format YYYYUS-NNNNNNN (replace N with a zero if needed). To search for an initial application number for divisional FR patent applications, use the application number (before February 1987) and the publication number (after February 1987).

Examples (US) (FamPat, Fullpat)

This data is only available in certain descriptions of US patents. You can search with keywords using truncation and operators.