
This is a text search of the following fields : Title, Abstract, Claims, Description, and Fulltext.

Once you click in the input area of the Keywords criterion, it automatically expands to allow you to input a long request. Additionally, when you enter the first character, it automatically opens an additional input row (equivalent to clicking on the + sign available to the left of the dropdown menu).You can add up to five lists of options. This feature allows you to search multiple terms in different fields .Each element will be combined by the AND operator. To close those additional input lines, click the - sign. You can enter the letters in either uppercase or lowercase letters.

The search will be handled the same way.You can also enter the terms interchangeably in uppercase or lowercase. The search engine is not case sensitive. The terms you enter will appear in your results highlighted in yellow. Each text box is associated with a new highlight color, rose for the 2nd box, grey for the 3rd box, blue for the 4th box, green for the 5th box and red for the 6th box. You can change these default colors provided or cancel the highlight by clicking the color square available to the right of each box.

You can use wildcards and Boolean operators (AND, OR, NOT)

By default, Orbit uses implied adjacency between your search terms.  Meaning two words separated by a space will be searched and found as such.  A comma is equivalent to the OR