
Inventor name searching

In FamPat the inventor name searches are conducted on the IN field, the OIN field, the INH field and the INV field for legal status data.

      IN field (Inventor name): name of the most recent inventor standardized by the EPO. The field generally contains the first name, last name, initials, and in brackets, country of the inventor (two-letter codes) when available. For CN, KR, JP, and TW publications, the IN field contains the machine-translated English names of the inventors, replaced by official English versions whenever published

      OIN field (Original inventor name): name of the inventor in a non-Latin language.  The field is available for CN, JP, KR, TW, RU and WO publications in Russian, Chinese, Japanese, and Korean. This field should be queried using non-Latin characters

      INH (Inventor name history): name of the inventor in all publication steps. The information comes from national offices; the names are not standardized. Only names in Latin characters are included in this field.      The field generally contains the first name, last name, initials, and in brackets, country of the inventor (two-letter codes) when available

      INV field is available for a small portion of DE and EP patents when a change has been made to an Inventor name or address

To perform a search by an inventor, enter the name of the inventor in the inventor search box and click on the search button.

Inventors' names are not standardized, so we recommend searching all possible variants of a name. Orbit ignores capitalization and accents.

Different versions of an Inventor name can be covered in one search by entering the variations separated by a comma(s).  The comma is equivalent to the OR operator

The space between two terms will be interpreted as the operator 1D. This means that the first and last name will be searched in both directions with up to one word between them.

Example: EDISON THOMAS find patents where the inventor is listed as Edison Thomas as well  as those listed as Thomas Edison.

It is possible to search patents of different inventors in one time by separating each name with a comma. Similarly, you can enter the different variants of a same name separated by a comma.

If you have other search criteria, the Inventor Name will be combined with the other criteria using the AND operator.


You can check how an inventor name is indexed in the collection. Enter the name of the inventor or the beginning of the name, and then click the lookup tool index available to the right of the box . 
In a new window a list of 50 names that start with the inventor name entered will display.

The Frequency column provides the number of records available in the database for each of the 50 names.

You can browse the index by using the navigation arrows at the bottom left and select one or more names by checking the boxes. Then click the Add button to add your original search or the Replace button to replace the previous input. The Cancel button closes the wizard and leaves your initial request unchanged.

Print Preview displays, in a new window, the reformatted list, allowing you to edit or print the list. 

The Search button launches a new wizard search no matter what is in the input line.

The INV field of the legal status will not be included in a search for the terms selected in the wizard.