
Depending on the collection searched, there are different classification options for focusing your search:

      FamPat and Fullpat collections: Technology domain, IPC, CPC, IPC/CPC, ECLA/ICO, US main, US main and cross reference, FI and F-Terms

      Fulltext collection: IPC, US main, US main and cross reference, FI and F-Terms

The search box

As soon as you click in the input area of the classification box it expands to allow you to input a long query.

In addition, when you enter the first character, you automatically open an additional search box (equivalent to clicking on the + sign available to the left of the menu drop-down). Up to five search boxes can be open, allowing you to search several codes from different classification systems.

To use the classifications with other search criteria, you have the choice of the AND or OR operators.

Note : a comma between two classifications is equivalent to the OR operator.

Automatic reformatting

Whenever you enter a type classification, such as E21B3, it is automatically reformatted: E21B-003. This reformatting may occur whenever you copy/paste a classification from patent authority websites (see Browse button).

Reformatting is disabled when the classifications are separated by operators.


Truncation symbols are used to replace one or more characters; they act as “wild cards”, allowing you to search variations of a term.

You have to format your code. For example:

-     A61K-003/21 for IPC

-     A61K-003/21/10 for CPC

To search all the codes in a specific section: Use A+. Searching A+ will find codes starting with A as well as the letter A in the attributes section of the IPC, ECLA or CPC codes.

Subclasses and groups are searchable without truncation: The search considers all classification under the subclass or subclass codes. A61K will find all codes starting with A61K. A61K-031 will find all codes starting with A61K-031.

Use the # to truncate the subclass or group. A61# finds all the A61 codes, from B through Q. As many truncations need to be added as letters or digits to be replaced.

You may search the full classification codes: A61K-031/216 query will find all the families with this code. Use the # truncation symbol to replace the individual (single) parts of the code. The + replaces any number of characters. A61K-031/2 + find all codes starting with A61K-031/2.Browse button

A browse button is available when IPC or CPC classifications are selected. Clicking on browse takes you to the classification section of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) site, or on the EPO classification website, with the code previously present in Orbit.

Classifications Dictionary

Here you can check the frequency of use of a classification code as well as its definition. Enter the sought-after classification code, or just the beginning of the code, and then click, the icon to the right of the search box.

A new window displays showing a list of 50 codes beginning with the character string you have entered.

The frequency column provides you with the number of documents available in the database for each of the 50 codes. By clicking on the code, you display the definition in a new window.

You can browse the index using the navigation arrows at the bottom of the window.  Select one or more classes by ticking the box(es).

Click the Add button to expand your initial query or on the Replace button to replace the code you had entered.  The Cancel button closes the dictionary and does not alter your initial query.

The print preview function displays in a new window the reformatted list, allowing it to be printed in full in a visually pleasing form.

The search box is used to enter a new code while still within the Dictionary, regardless of what is entered in the input line.