Citation graph

The graph shows the initial view of Citing/Cited families in a horizontal line graph over time.

The cited patent family of a patent family sought in relation to the first filing date of each citation. The analysed patent is in the red bubble, the backward cited patents are in the blue rectangles and forward citing patents are represented by a green arrow. The graph is only available in the citations tab after a search in FamPat, Fullpat.

If you mouseover a patent, a box will pop up displaying its title, the applicant, the first application date and the list of cited and citing patents (shown in the graph).

Right-clicking the mouse on a particular filing in the graph will give you two options:
• Display only this family’s citations: only the selected patent citations are displayed

• Add this family’s citations to the displays :   includes the cited and citing patents of the selected patent

Double click on patents displayed in a new window to retrieve the full details of the patent filing.

The  icon enables a picture of the graph for exporting.

Display function

The option Patent Families is the default option. With it, you view all the patents cited and citing patent family studied.

With the Patents option, you view the citing and cited patents of each of the family members. These are the same cited and citing patents with the previous option, but with it you can know which family member was cited, for example. A patent may, for example, be cited by several members of the family, this case will be symbolized by a line connecting the cited patent to all family members the citation.

Color by function

By default, the graph coloring is proposed for Citing / cited families. In blue, are the families cited, in green the families citing and in red families that are both cited and citing.

From the dropdown menu, you can choose to color with the Top assignees, Analysed Fampat patent families, Citing / cited families.

The Top assignees by coloring can color the four main assignees.

Coloring by Analysed Fampat patent families is to use after adding citations of another family, so you can differentiate the citation from two families.

The coloring with the Analysed patent applications or the Citing / cited patent is available only after a grouping patents. After grouping by patent, citations are distributed according to family members. With a coloring by Analysed Fampat patent families, all citations will be have the same color: they are from the same family. While with coloring Analysed patent applications, all citations of each member are colored specifically. As the same with the Citing / cited patent color by. You can with the last coloring highlight all cited patents and all of citing patents.

At the bottom left of the graph, the legend is displayed. You can change the color, four lines are available. By clicking on the line of the value, a pop-up window will open and you can change the value (if several are available) and / or group several values ​​in one color (if several are available). The eraser button deletes the value of the line.

The legend is updated automatically with the choice made from the color menu.

Filter function

By default, the graph displays all the citations.

You can choose the examiner citations and select the relevant categories (particularly relevant, other categories or uncategorised citations). Uncheck the boxes for the categories you do not want to display.

Relevancy Category Codes are found in EP, WO, FR, BE, CH and NL publications. 

Different colored arrows are applied depending on the relevancy indicators, red for X, blue for Y, green

for  A, D, E, L, P and T, black for those with no relevancy codes.

X Particularly relevant if taken alone (novelty)
Y Particularly relevant if combined with another document in the same family (non-obviousness)
A Technology background
P Intermediate document
T Theory or principle underlying the invention
E Earlier patent document, but published on, or after, the filing date
D Document cited in the application
L Document cited for other reasons
Other No relevancy code


The other choices are the citations made by the applicant (the applicant citations), this concerns the patents cited as citing patents and self-citations. The self-citations concern citing/cited families that have the same assignee that the family studied.  You can choose to remove self-citations to get a better metric of the value of your portfolio or of a competitors portfolio.

The Apply button validates the choice and the Cancel button closes the window without accepting the filter of choice.