Non-Patent Literature Hitlist Results

You can now view Non-Patent Literature (NPL) directly alongside your patent results within Orbit Intelligence. To access this new content simply click on the Non-Patent Literature tab in your results set.

How is the NPL hitlist generated?

Orbit Intelligence translates your patent query into a new one compliant with our new NPL search engine; manual modification of this query is not an option.

Keywords found in your patent query are searched in the title and abstract of the NPL documents, and other elements from your initial query are ignored (dates, assignees, IPCs, etc.).

If there are no keywords in your patent query, the system runs a similar NPL search based on the top concepts (e.g. when you open a list or run a citation search).


What level of information is provided?

For scientific publications, metadata such as title, abstract, keywords, scientific domains, co-authors and affiliations is indexed and provided in the NPL hitlist. 

A link to the respective journal or publication is also provided to access the full text of the document. If the full text is hosted on an open access database, the user can download it at no cost. If it redirects to a private publisher website, the user will need to pay for the pdf document or have a subscription to access the full text.


Questel’s Non-Patent Literature archive includes (updated bi-monthly) :

      150 million publications from 50,000+ journals and reviews (50+ document types: journal articles, conferences, thesis, books, posters, grey literature, reports, etc.).

Main data sources: Crossref, PubMed, DOAJ, Arxiv, Pascal-Francis, + 200 targeted archives and university repositories

Multisectorial: Life sciences, Computer sciences, Chemicals, Environment, Engineering, Physics, Materials, Telco, Earth Sciences, etc.

      322,000 clinical trials (interventional and observational studies from

      260,000 grants and collaborative projects: European Framework programs for Research & Innovation (FP 5, 6, 7 & H2020); American projects (SBIR, STTR).