My Alerts

All alerts created from your search history or your hitlist are available here. Alert results are available in the Watch Module under “Patents and Designs”.

The names and creation dates of each search are recorded here as well as the name of the collection searched (FamPat, Fullpat or Fulltext). You can sort the list by the Name, Collection, or Creation Date columns in alphabetical order or ascending/descending order by clicking on the column headings.

For each alert, four options are available:

      Execute: Runs the alert

      View: Displays the alert strategy and delivery parameters. From this page you can run your saved search alert or delete the alert, but you cannot make changes.

      Edit: Displays the alert strategy and delivery parameters. Changes may be made.

      Save button to save the changes you have just made, or the Clear button to cancel those changes.

      Delete: Deletes the alert

Create a script

You can also create a search script in command language. The search statements can be linked or not.  This newly created and saved search will be included in the list of saved searches.