Easy Search

The Easy search assistant allows to easy and quickly search with a keyword, a name or a number.   

You can directly enter a keyword or a name: the search will be performed in text fields (/BI/SA) first,  and after in assignee fields and inventor (/PA and /IN), and it will end up sometimes inside the fulltext field (/TX). The hyphens are automatically replaced by the joint operator _.

A list of words in English and French was edited so that certain words are automatically deleted (e.g. the, a, to, is, in, with, by, an, for, of, be, on, are, which, from, as, at, that, has, when, where ...).  If a field is specified (like /PN), the search will be conducted specifically on that field.

You can use truncation and operators. However, if you want to use operators besides AND and OR, the expression being searched for must be placed in parentheses. In this specific case, the search fields will always be BI and SA.

If you enter a number, the nature of it will be recognized and research will be done on the number search fields of publication, application or priority, unless you specify a different field.

If you enter a part of a classification code, it will be searched in the IPC and CPC classification fields.

You can enter different search criteria: a comma is replaced by OR and a space by AND.

The search is running after a click on the blue magnifying glass or send Enter.

Left Clicking inside the empty box will display your search history in a dropdown menu. By clicking on the number of results, you will display the list of results. The arrows at the bottom of the page allow you to navigate from page to page. The double arrow to refresh the contents of the history.

By Clicking on Advanced search, you’ll jumpto the Advanced search assistant.

Please note that the left menu is retracted by default, you can unfold it by clicking the button .

On the top right, behind the icon , you’ll find out :

-     The Coverage Details link takes you to Questel’s corporate site where you can view the latest update information for Fullpat, FamPat, and the Fulltext collections.

-     Guides & Tutorials link will open a new page or tab with links to online tutorials and Orbit-related user guides.

The FamPat fact sheet is also available for download and includes all the indices for the FamPat Collection.